
The quarter of Groenoord in Schiedam is a residential area that was mainly built in the 1960′s, and consists of residences with porches and galleries, that do no longer meet the current demand.

A redevelopment plan has been in progress since the 1990′s, and a concept for the development of the quarter was approved in 2000. Initial financial research showed that the planned demolition and the building of new residences, along with necessary measures, would lead to a deficit of 19 million euro’s.
From the end of the nineties on, work has gone into making the realisation of the development concept possible. For this purpose, NIVEM created the method of Vex-Bex-Grex=0, in which the financial management is supported by budgets that derive from and are yearly adjusted according to the three branches of exploitation (Vex, Bex, Grex).
Aside from that, NIVEM has mediated in the negotiations between the city of Schiedam and the Corporatie Woonplus. This has resulted in a cooperation agreement in which each of the parties takes 50% of the risk in the course of the total development (i.e. real estate, building and ground production).

The chosen organisational form is a limited partnership with two silent partners and a holding company [organisation]. This is a unique approach for the Netherlands. In this case it was a necessary condition for launching the project at all.

A second strategy for this cooperation agreement is dividing it into phases, which makes it possible to define a workable effort. After phase 1, an evaluation will be conducted in order to estimate the possibilities for phase 2. Phase 1 consists of the building of over 300 residences on demolition locations, and reorganising the residential area, thus raising it to a higher level of quality.
A first succes in the execution of the concept for the development of the quarter was that the setbacks in the groundexploitation (asbestos and procedural delays) could be covered by adjusting the real estate and ground exploitations.

At the moment, the reorganisation of Groenoord-Zuid has been realised, the building of a residential block (Ensemble) is in progress, and the building of a shopping mall with residences on top of it is about to begin. Things are going to gain real momentum in 2005.
Meanwhile, Wim Wang, the director of NIVEM, has also become (co-)director of the development corporation for the quarter of Groenoord (Wijkontwikkelingsmaatschappij Groenoord).

More information:

Projectwebsite Groenoord


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